The Lord spoke to Cheryl saying, “I have an exceedingly great army of intercessors, that are in hiding, and feel alone! They long to be mentored, trained and released into their calling! My eye has been protective and watchful over them! They are bold and fearless warriors! They love me with all of their heart, soul, and strength, and are radical in their obedience to Me! They pray what is on My heart and see from My perspective in the secret place. I am calling them out of their “hidden places.” Will you mentor, train, equip and activate them? Tell them, they are not alone, and it's time to come out of hiding! For My army is rising!”
As she began praying for these “hidden” intercessors, the Lord began sending them to her, they shared their “misfit” stories, which opened doors of opportunity for her to share her journey. One by one, she began mentoring them in intercession, providing them a safe place to teach, train, and activate them. She watched them awaken to the call of prayer, come alive and flourish in intercession no longer feeling like a hidden misfit! Cheryl knew the Lord was giving her marching orders, and this is the passion that burns within her heart!”
Cheryl Schuelke // Founder of Awaken Prayer
Cheryl has served the body of Christ for over 30 years in various ministries. In serving she discovered her burning desire was to raise up a prayer army and gather intercessors. Her passion is to awaken hearts in pursuing the presence of God through prayer, intimacy and relationship with the Father. She says, “Jesus is the greatest example of a life that lived from the secret place and released the glory of the Lord in the earth to advance his kingdom.” As a watchman on the wall and intercessor Cheryl is a prophetic voice to the Church in preparing the way of the Lord. She is the director of Awaken Prayer Global Network. Its mission is to build a community of prayer warriors by mobilizing, uniting, teaching, training, equipping and activating the body of Christ. Cheryl has co-authored with her sister Valerie, “Heaven Is A Breath Away.” Declared “ventilator dependent,” Valerie was kept alive to harvest her organs. While Valerie was with Jesus in heaven for three days, Cheryl was on earth praying that “Valerie would live and not die and declare the works of the LORD!” Their book is about the joys and wonders of that journey. Their story has been featured on various television programs such as, the DR OZ Show, the 700 Club, Throne Room Prayer on God TV, and Project Afterlife a documentary.
“My journey in prayer and intercession began as a young child. I started experiencing the power of prayer, and entered into places of prayer that I didn’t understand. The Holy Spirit led me into deep groaning’s, weeping, supernatural encounters as well as dreams and visions. Looking for someone to help shed light on what was happening, I would occasionally share what I was experiencing. Most thought I was crazy, which made me feel like a “misfit!” Frustrated and feeling alone, with no one to answer my questions I stayed “hidden” in my prayer closet. The Holy Spirit became my teacher revealing to me in the Bible, what the prophets and ordinary people in the Old and New Testament’s experienced in their prayer and intercession. In 1994, the Lord divinely connected me with Pastors that operated in high-level warfare and intercession. Not only did they become my Pastors, spiritual mentors and friends, but they also lived a lifestyle of intercession and were great examples of the power of prayer! They believed NOTHING was impossible with God. I saw first hand, God move on behalf of their radical, and obedient prayers!”
Valerie’s journey too heaven and back, changed her life forever. For the next several years, she passionately shared about the love, presence, and intimate relationship that Jesus desires us to live in. She fought the good fight, she finished her race here on earth and returned to her heavenly home. Although she is absent from this life her testimony and legacy continue to impact the lives of many.